Tuesday 23 July 2024

 Although a very damp and unpromising morning today it still didn’t deter 7 enthusiastic people from their fortnightly fix of petanque.    Two teams, consisting of 4 ladies and 3 gents, were soon underway chasing the cochon (jack). 

Ladies took the first end by one point which the gents equalised on the next but couldn’t rest on their laurels as the ladies roared back by scoring 9 points over the following 6 ends.    There were several times when very close measuring came into play and the boules were bouncing and smashing all over the place.    There were some amazingly placed boules but whether by luck or judgment we can’t determine but I expect the individuals concerned would plump for the former.

Anyway, by the close of the 16th end we were on 12 points each.    A nail-biting situation with all to play for and concentration took over from general chatter.    Leadership of the final end changed several times but it was the gents who won that all important single point making them the over-all winners.    AND , by this time, the sun was shining brightly causing some discarding of coats and jackets.

Thanks again to those who played today.    Join us for the next scheduled game in two weeks ( 5th August) at 10.15am on the pitch behind the library.  It’s all very light-hearted.    Make a note of the date NOW as I may not be able to send a reminder as usual. 


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