Monday, 3 March 2025

 Blooming frosty and cold this morning so wrapped up warmly to go and play boules only to find the pitch area was quite mild and sheltered between the library and the hedges.  Some coats were soon dispensed with. 

With eight of us raring to play we divided into two teams of four - 4 ladies and 3 gents plus a lady as an honorary gent.

Gents winning the chance to go first put the boot in by scoring 4 points in the first 3 ends but the ladies, nonplussed, retaliated with a point in each of the next two.    Elation was short- lived however with the gents managing a 1 and then a SIX by some sort of fluke. 

Battling on for a further four ends in which the ladies gained 3 points before the gents collected one point in each of the final two ends to reach the winning score of 13 against the ladies’ hard won 5.      There was some very good play from both sides and the scores should have been closer but it was that killer 6 that proved insurmountable.     

A good start to the season and we enjoyed being out in the fresh air.    Next match set for Monday fortnight (17th), same time and same place.    Join us if you will.    Ken.