Monday 16 September 2024

 As our word smith is on holiday it has fallen to me to report on today's game.

Unfortunately with some on holiday and others on the sick list we were down to 4 players today.
So we split into two teams. The first match start well as the side that I was on scored one on the first round,
and thought we were off to a good start but then we were white washed and the other side reach 13 before we scored another point.
As this was a short game we decided to go again - and this time we gave them a good run for their money, they scored in the first
two rounds, we scored in the next four, then they got another one point, we got three rounds. in the end they beat us 13 to 11,
we had nothing to be ashamed of we had put up a good fight and had plenty of banter and laughs along the way.

Do think about joining us - we meet every other Monday morning on the pitch behind the library. Next game will be at 10-15 on Monday
30 September. Everyone is welcome


Thursday 5 September 2024

A very fine drizzle faced us this morning so not expecting to play.    However, one plucky lady joined us and as the precipitation had ceased we decided to give it a go but only play up to 9 points.

There being only 3 of us we decided to play individually against each other.    Four ends later the scores stood at 1 point each for the two ladies and two for team K when another  lady member passed by who decided to join us.   

A swift rearrangement of teams with the original two ladies making a merged  team (Team C) carrying forward a combined score of 2 whilst the new player joined Team K also on 2 points, so even- Stevens.    I told you our rules were flexible!

Team K took the next two ends with 1 point each matched by Team C with a 2 and then followed with a one in each of ends 8 and 9.    Team K then managed to win two 1s before Team C grabbed another point.   

By this time Team C was leading 7 - 6 but Team K came back with a 2 and then a 1 which gave them the winning score of the agreed 9.    Well done to all in this close match.    Though the sun only peeked through at times at least there was no more rain, in fact, it was a very muggy and humid morning and a couple of jackets were discarded during play.

Next game is due in two weeks on the 16th at 10.15am at the pitch behind the library so join in then.    K & C won’t be there so someone, perhaps, will need to arm themselves with a rake.    It will also be that I’ll be offline so be unable to remind you nearest the time so put this date in your diaries NOW!
