Tuesday, 19 March 2024

 The weather didn’t seem too promising this morning (18 March) but six expectant members - including a new face - appeared for a fun morning.    Evenly divided into teams by sex we were soon into an end starting with the Ladies who lost by 3 points.  Then another male member appeared to join the Laddies so the Ladies were give two extra boules to use to even them up for the rest of the game.  

Continuing, the Ladies moved forward with 2 points and then it was 3 to the Laddies followed by a further 2 points to their opposition.    The next 5 ends increased the scores by 4 points each when the Laddies smashed a 4 and a 2 to reach the goal of 13 and win the game.

A second game was started but with reduced teams of two a side.   This time the Ladies showed they meant business by scoring 6 on the first three ends with the Laddies retaliating with a 1 and a 3.   The Ladies then put the boot in by gaining 8 points in the final 3 ends finishing with a magnificent score of 14 to 4.

A fair ending with one game to each side.     Our next meeting will be on Easter Monday so,  if you are available, do join us on the pitch behind the library at 10.15am.


Monday, 4 March 2024

 What a lovely bright sunny day greeted us this morning for the start of the new season for playing boules.    It certainly brought out 9 members determined to enjoy themselves and make the most of it as we divided ourselves into two teams as usual, Ladies and Laddies.

Ingrid delivered the first boule of the year and placed it almost on top of the cochon (jack) which immediately put us all on our mettle to try harder but the first end finished with the Ladies taking one point to gain the initial lead.

The next 3 ends were all won by a single point and then the Laddies gained 2 points which  made us 6 points apiece.

The 6th end was smashed by the Ladies with a fantastic score of 5 carefully picked out of a cluster of boules centred on the target.    The next 3 ends gained the Laddies 2 points plus one to their opponents before the Ladies followed up with a 3 and a 1 completing the magical 13 points to snatch the game.

Well done and congratulations Ladies.  A good start to our playing year.      We’ll meet again in a fortnight (19th).  Same place but a little earlier, maybe, at the request of some.  I’ll confirm it in my reminder nearer the time.    Do come and join us.   
